January 19, 2013

User Experience : An Online Forum I Love

Just as Ray Ozzie cannot forget his  Plato System, I still miss my NUS IVLE Forum. There are a number of reasons for my love. Here I just shoot off just what comes to my mind right now.

You Can Show Off 

You can show off your hard work, deep understanding, your popularity etc there.  T Harv Eker says, rich people or people who are getting rich don't mind sales or promotions targeting them. Good students and good professors enjoy other students or other profs showing off.

I enjoy that.

You Can Show Off but If You Bluff ...

I showed off a lot and got away with it most of times. But once .... 

I made some remarks about Enterprise Architecture or Integration. And a few days later, I got a 1-line question, polite but it exposed some leaks in my understanding of the topic. I dared not reply and rush to defensive arguments at once.

I rushed to the lib near the canteen near our SOC(School of Computing), at that time still near NUH. Hit a a few books on the topic and replied on the Forum.

A few hours later(this time, I was waiting for the reply anxiously), I got a 1-line question of the same nature and calibre. I hit a few more books and replied.

This went on  for about 1 more round, till I studied for about 2 or 3 whole days and replied well.

I enjoyed it, it made me learn really well.

You Can Bomb and Boost Your Grades

Out group made a presentation on our business plan in class. I was not doing the presentation, some other members were representing us. At the end of Q/A, a pair of students asked something like:  InfoSys or Tata will soon be doing something similar to what we were proposing to do. What will be our response?

I ran down from back of the lecture theater to the podium to answer. But the prof and the time keeper said our time was up.

I rushed to the computer lab and bombed the Forum, like

Questtion: How do we respond if InfoSys or Tata are doing XYZ?
Answer (1) : ... the answer ....

Questtion: How do we respond if InfoSys or Tata are doing XYZ?
Answer (2) : ... the answer ....

Questtion: How do we respond if InfoSys or Tata are doing XYZ?
Answer (3) : ... the answer ....

Questtion: How do we respond if InfoSys or Tata are doing XYZ?
Answer (4) : ... the answer ....

The answer are in rapid-fire style: 3 or 4 sentences of 8 or 10 words each.  Later I heard some group members remark that my Forum bombs had raised our group's grade 1 or 2 notches up.

I enjoy that.

Why Don't You Re-create that Atmosphere and Experience Somewhere?

I leave this for you, readers.

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